Pokemon Eternal Emerald is a remake of the original Pokemon Emerald which was released on the GameBoy Advance back in 2004. The goal of this remake is to add new and existing features along with new content into one of the best Pokemon Games Ever made! This Game has been created using RpgMakerXp and has been built from the ground-up instead of using a rom file of the original game.
The Hoeen region is unstable — Rayquaza has awakened! Your skills as a Trainer will be challenged like they've never been challenged before as you try to maintain balance between Kyogre & Groudon. Prove your skill by earning Badges & gaining access to the Battle Frontier — the front line of Pokémon battling that offers a whole new level of competition. Never-before-experienced battles await you!
Example of player in Space trying to stop a Meteorite from crashing into earth.
Is the game completed?
The main story is fully complete, but the postgame is not.
Are all Legendary Pokemon obtainable?
All Legendary Pokemon will have there own events upon release and should all be obtainable
Has this game been released yet?
Technically yes. A demo was released around two years ago, but I wouldn't recommend playing that as I have changed and fixed a lot of things since than.
When will the game be finished and released?
I could release it right now and it would be a full game, but since I want the postgame done as well not for a long time.
How many side-quests will be in the game?
There will be over 20 Ranger side-quests for you to take in the game
Where will the Pokemon World Tournaments be and how many Trainers will be available?
It will be held in the Battle Frontier and Gym Leaders and other trainers from every game will be available to battle.
Does this game use the original Pokemon Emerald's rom as a base?
Nope. I have re-created every map, event, and a bunch of other things from scratch using Pokemon Essentials.
What is Meteor Village
Meteor Village is a new town found under Meteor Falls that you may explore once you obtain the Dive item.